Monday, June 30, 2008

Guess What?

Guess what? American Eagle Communities (the group that runs the post housing at Fort Leonard Wood) has been taken over by a new company. Not that huge a deal really but they will now MOW ALL THE LAWNS! Whoo Hooo! (Thanks to Kate who told me the good news this morning). Hope everyone is having a great holiday week. Check back soon for "A Day in the Life of Maggie Crowe".


The Houstons said...

sooo..I just found your lovely lil blog..and I must say...I am SOOOOO dang jealous of the theme..I mean and white is my fav...and the print too..gosh...I know I know...I won't steal it...we cant be blogger So good to see you guys are doing well! We are surviving well here in Germany...I do plan to email you once my life slows down and the family leaves! :) HUGS

Beth Pritchard said...

What gives? So now once we move away the mowers come and mow. My comment card I filled out must have prompted them to shape up (I gave them very low scores!). Well, glad we got to use your mower while we were there :-)

kd said...

Heyyy, it's Kate! Hooray for not mowing lawns!